Sep 29, 2016
Snowe Saxman is a Wealth Management Expert, Master Tax Strategist & Master Coach for women. She has a degree in Accounting and studied for her MBA. She is also a certified Tax Coach also known as the Money Oracle. She believes that we can change the world when we live our lives God first, family second and our careers third.
She is married to love of her life, Paul. They have 7 children and 2 grandchildren. Yes, Snowe is a Glamma. Someone way too young and gorgeous to be called Grandma.
Snowe was a millionaire at age 25, living on food stamps + bankrupt by age 35 and now she is earning multiple six figures on her way to Million again. With God’s help, She has been able to channel a painful past into a purposeful future and help other women with her unique gifts & talents.
Today she teaches women God-inspired financial + business strategies.
She can show you how to successfully improve your money mindset, create, manage, and multiply your money, because she’s done it herself. What makes her unique is that she is heart-centered, but results orientated. She uses a masterful combination of business savvy, money expertise, and strong faith to improve your money mindset and a help you create, manage and multiply money!
Her approach is God-centered & faith-filled.
Her mission is to empower women to live emotionally, spiritually and financially free.
Her passion is to help you build a six figure business in a smart, soulful way that allows you to have more quality time at home with your family.
She also believes:
“It’s not just about making more money, it’s about helping more people.”
She is empowering women to have it all; more money, more choices & more time with their families!
(Transcript for this episode available only to select private program members)